Friday, December 5, 2014

Old Water

We are fated to tread old water,
To drink from the same poisoned cups.
The treasures of the old ones will soon be ours,
Their memories lost and reborn to hum anew.

Tragic, comic, or even fantastic, your story
Has been told elsewhere – your dreams
Have shone in the eyes of another. 

I, Conjurer

If I could craft her essence into words,
Muster even a mite of her majesty,
What words they would be!

Freeing David from dead marble  
Remains the stuff of dreams. 
Still, I try

To conjure magic
Out of the mud of words
And the breath of my life-giving spirit.


In a lab full of vapours and spirits and twisted tubes,
He set out to conquer death. In this mad lair, 
Unsleeping and forgotten, he toiled 
And at last, with a slight touch of thyme,
Held a vial of liquor to the light – at last! 
He put the stuff to his lips and drank the cure –
No longer would he contend with the malady.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


With time, our joints are loosened by winds,
By scouring sands in the winds,
By soaking rains hauled from high mountains,
By quakes that crack us open, leaving us helpless
Against the brutish rush of the elements.

We raise walls to keep them away –  
Will the wildness of time away,

But soon we’ll be lost in their insatiable lust, 
And the magic of the moon will mean nothing.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


What insolence, to tear my soul from nothing
And throw it screaming into this horror.

Why would you shatter my peace?
Why pull me from the never-ending quiet?

Should I be grateful
For your drop of water in a world aflame?

No, I ache for the bliss of the unknowing,
For home, where sands shift unheard.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Dog! You’re an instrument of discontent;
always wagging your tail for more, always
sniffing for morsels in places you shouldn’t.

The taste of your own vomit, 
does it not tell you? Even the universe will not 
fill that void.  

Friday, November 14, 2014


Gorging itself on the open
Secrets in petals—   
The scents & the succulence,
Forever in the pursuit of transient beauty;
Who knows better the secret of living?  

Thursday, October 2, 2014


When the eagle rests, 
tired of its majesty, wait… 
it’ll soon find its wings.  

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dear Elsa,

I fear the westerly winds have stolen your scent.
I no longer find your face in our favorite places.
Your palm prints on my skin have faded with each of her kisses.
The poison has reached my bones – 
I barely recall the tom-tom beat of your heart.
She’s too thorough; she saw tearstains on the sheets
And switched the Egyptian cotton to Chinese silk.
Last night I had the nightmare, remember? The one where
I fall and fall and fall, hurled by some formless creature 
Of the dark. Drawing the breaths of a drowning man,
I woke with my head clasped to her chest –
I had her name on my tongue.    

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Instant Dust

Throw your handful of dust in the air,
Hold it to the flame of the sun,
Let it mingle with the rain and ride
On the four winds to the four corners;
Find patterns in its patternless swirls through the yawning void.    

Whether a rapturous bow colors the eastern sky,  
Or a confused wind howls curses in the dark,      
Take the instant by her delicate throat
And lay waste to the bounty she offers.
Tomorrow’s lesson: the taste of shadows and dust.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Heavy Hand

Daily, the broom says to itself,
“I will no longer soil my hands.”
But fate’s heavy hand holds fast  
Until the broom falls apart
And is itself swept away with the dirt. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cold Open

A stately Lexus leisurely
Steals through the street,
Its red neon rear lights
In tone with garish bars
That pound bass rhythms into
The mystical three a.m. night.
The limo chances upon
A girl – all legs and rhythm
And the two halt instinctively.
She dissolves into its depths
And the limo slithers on –
In its wake a heady mix of 
Cheap and expensive perfume.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Curse her demon soul!
O yellow dust of time
Bury her someplace deep 

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Lightning bares its gleaming teeth.
Even as the storm pummels
And the thunder growls,
The umbrella smiles
At the fuming
                                                                                            - for April

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Across Life’s wind-toss'd Sea I blew, and swore,
“My Soul can bear these Crushing Whirls no more.”
And lo, from the foaming dimness, a Voice –
“Thou shalt take thy Lot, or else the Black Door!”

Monday, March 31, 2014

Unremembered Keepsakes

The empty seconds, pared of meaning,
Tick and slink like a thief in the night.
The days tiptoe facelessly into the void
Of moldy unremembered keepsakes,
And time, in artful artistry, tattoos 
The horrid nothingness on my face.   

Saturday, March 29, 2014


The hard wintry gaze
Of granite in the moonlight
Could you be any colder?

Saturday, March 8, 2014


As the golden sky gives way to the night,
A mosquito lands on my arm and I let it –
Tomorrow I might not enjoy its sting.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Night Dreams Too

The Night too has dreams
Of discarding her darkness
And donning the Day’s brightness

Sometimes she’ll linger into the Dawn
Or show up too early at Dusk

Tonight, spare a thought
For the Night’s futile dreams
For, in some form or other,
You too share her dreams

Monday, February 10, 2014


Yes, this is the moon

surely, the moon will return
with the lunacy
that summoned you to me
in the night and light the darkness
that stains the beauty that was
you and i

Friday, January 17, 2014


My dreams are in shades of grey
and the occasional crimson flash
of bloody petals falling to the ground.
When in wakefulness I’m offered a trinket

I brace myself 
for the imminent highway robbery
that’ll nick the ground beneath my feet
and crush dewy hope into the mire
of life’s elegantly crafted cruelty.